Monthly Archives: April 2016

Shoring Up The Battery Floor: Stage 1


By Rich

I got a start repairing the collapsing floor under the batteries by beginning with the failed cleat screwed into the side wall of the sail locker. Here is the “before” photo showing the cleat having fallen away from the side wall. Continue reading Shoring Up The Battery Floor: Stage 1

Considering A Battery Upgrade? Factor In The Change In Weight

Version 2

By Rich

Our 1989 Sabre 42 originally came with 3 Group 27 marine batteries weighing +/- 67 pounds each for a total of 200 pounds or so. They provided 180 amp hours of house capacity (from two batteries) or 270 total if you factor in the third engine battery as well (I am assuming one of the three was originally dedicated to the engine). A prior owner upgraded our boat to one Group 27 engine battery and two 4D House batteries. The upgrade was well meaning, bumping the dedicated house battery capacity to 420 amp hours while still reserving a dedicated Group 27 for the engine. The downside was that the upgrade increased the total battery weight from 200 pounds to 331.

Continue reading Considering A Battery Upgrade? Factor In The Change In Weight